How to assign employees to Claim Capping Group
In the Claim capping Group assignment, the user can assign the employees to different capping groups. Step 01: Go to Claim Capping under Claim module and select the "Capping Group Assignment" tab. Step 02: Select the “Claim Group” from the ...
How to manage Claim Capping Group
Under the Claim module user can add the Claim Capping Group by following the given steps: Step 01: Go to the "Claim" module and select the “Claim Capping" from the drop-down list. Step 02: From here select the “Manage Capping Group” tab. Step 03: ...
How to assign Claim Supervisor to multiple employees
Users can assign the Claim Supervisor to multiple employees in the system by following the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Admin” module and select the “Manage Security” from the drop-down list. Step 02: The system will prompt to the given page. ...
How to set up email notification for claim application
The email notifications for claims need to set from different locations: The company's email settings can be updated in “Admin” Management as follows: Step 01: For this, Go to Manage Company Information under the Admin module and click the Edit icon. ...
How to delete the applied and approved Claim Request
Supervisors (HR / Super Admin) with appropriate rights can able to remove the applied and approved claim by following the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Claim” module and select "Claim Status" from the drop-down list. Step 02: From here select the ...
How to Approve or Reject a claim
To approve or reject the claims follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Claim” module and select the “Approval” from the drop-down list. Step 02: The system will prompt to the given page with the list of applied claims. Select the checkbox ...
How to view the Claim status
Users can view the status such as Approved, Rejected, Open, etc for their applied Claims. Follow the given steps to view the status of applied claims: Step 01: Go to the “Claim” module and select "Claim Status" from the drop-down list. Step 02: From ...
How to apply a new Claim Request
Users can add a new Claim Request by following the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Claim” module, then select “Request”. Step 02: Select the “Employee”, “Month”, and “Year” from the drop-down list and click the “ADD NEW CLAIM” button. Step 03: The ...
How to assign Supervisor/Employee to Workflow Group?
To assign the Supervisor/Employee to the workflow group follow the given steps: Step 01: In the “Admin” module, select "Manage Workflow" and from here go to the "Assign Supervisor/Employee to WorkFlow/Payroll Group” tab. Step 02: Select "Workflow ...
How to add Workflow Level
In Manage workflow, the user can create Workflow Levels {Hierarchy} by following the given steps: Step 01: In the “Admin” module, select "Manage Workflow" and from here go to the "Manage Workflow Level" tab. Step 02: To add ...
How to add Workflow Group
To add Workflow Group, go to the Admin Module and follow these given steps: Step 01: In the “Admin” module, select the "Manage Workflow" and from here go to the "Manage Workflow Group" tab. Step 02: To Create a Workflow group, click the “Add Workflow ...
How to add workflow
To add Workflow name go to the “Admin” Module and follow these given steps: Step 01: In the Admin module, select the "Manage Workflow". Step 02: To create a Workflow name, click the “Add Workflow” button. Step ...
How to enable the Workflow
The users can enable the Workflow by following the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Admin” module and select the “Manage Company” from the dropdown list. Step 02: From here, click the edit icon corresponding to the “Company Name”. Step 03: Then go to ...
How to Rollback Leaves
How to Rollback Leaves? In Leave, rollback means users can push back the annual leaves in the previous year that are transferred to next year.To rollback leaves follow the given steps: Step 01: Under the “Leave” module, select "Leave Rollback". Step ...
How does workflow work
Smepayroll Workflow enables automation of business processes during which documents, information, or tasks are passed from one party to another, and actions are performed according to a set of rules. Workflow provides many out-of-the-box components ...
How to manage leave encash assignment
To manage leave encash assignment to multiple employees follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Payroll” module and select the "Encashment" from the drop-down list. Step 02: The system will prompt to the given page. Select the “Encash Type” and ...
How to Encash Leave by Termination
Encashment of accumulated leave can be availed by an employee at the time Termination/Resignation of the job. Follow the given steps to encash leave by termination: Step 01: Under the “Leave” module, select the "Transfer" from the drop-down list. ...
How to Transfer leaves to next year
Leaves can be transferred from one year to another. HR or any other User Group user with an appropriate right can transfer leave for an employee from different employee groups. To transfer the leaves follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to “Leave” ...
How to Encash pending leaves
Leave encashment refers to an amount of money received in exchange for a period of leave not availed by an employee. Encashment of accumulated leave can be availed by an employee at the end of the year. To Encash the leaves, follow the given steps: ...
How to assign Leave Supervisor to Multiple Employees
Leave supervisor can be assigned to a single employee as well as multiple employees. For this follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Admin” module and select the “Manage Security” from the drop-down list. Step 02: The system will prompt to the ...
How to set up Email notification for the leave application
The email notifications for leave need to set from different locations: Step 01: Company's email settings can be updated in Admin Management. For this, go to “Manage Company Information” and click the edit icon of that company name. Go to the “Email ...
How to check remaining leaves
To check the balance leaves follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Leave” Module and select the “Request” from the drop-down list. Step 02: The system will prompt to the given page. Select the “Apply Leave” year and “Employee” name from the ...
How to Approve or Reject pending applied leaves
HR, Super Admin, or any other user group with appropriate rights can proceed for this, by following the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Leave” module and select the ”Approval”. Step 02: The system will prompt to the given page. Select the “Employee ...
How to check the Leave Status
How to check the Leave Status? To view the status of all applied Leaves {Approved, Rejected, Open, Etc} follow the given steps: Step 01: Under the “Leave” module, select the "Status". Step 02: Select the Employee name and Year from the ...
How to apply a new Leave Request?
Users can add a new leave request by following the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Leave” module, then select the “Request” from the drop-down list. Step 02: The system will prompt to the given page. Fill in all the fields as mentioned below: ...
How to apply Global update for leaves Addition and Deduction?
The user can able to globally update the leaves either as an addition/deduction for the whole company or group of employees. For this set up follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Leave” module, select the "Global Update" from the drop-down ...
How to add a new Employee Leave Group?
To create a new employee leave group in the system follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Leave” module, then select the “Leave Groups” from the drop-down list. Step 02: To add a new Employee Group, click the “Add New Employee Group” button at ...
How to add a new Leave Type?
To create a new leave type in the system follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Leave” module, then select the “Leave Types” from the drop-down list. Step 02: The system will prompt with the given page. Click the “Add New Leave Type” button at ...
How to add a new Employee Leave Group?
To create a new employee leave group in the system follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Leave” module, then select the “Leave Groups” from the drop-down list. Step 02: To add a new Employee Group, click the “Add New Employee Group” button at ...
Why we need different Employee groups?
Grouping employee's into Employee groups enables: 1. Assigning company leave policy's group wise. 2. Reporting purpose. Product Version: SMEPayrollTM Version 11
What is the Hybrid – Prorated (Ceiling) leave model?
Hybrid – Prorated (Ceiling) leave model calculates the leaves based on the number of months of service. Under this leave model, leaves are available to an employee on a prorated basis. For example: An employee has joined the company on 01 January and ...
What is the Hybrid – Prorated (Floor) leave model?
Hybrid - Prorated leave model (Floor) calculates the leaves based on the number of months of service. Under this leave model, leaves are available to an employee on a prorated basis. For example: An employee has joined the company on 01 January and ...
What is the Hybrid – Prorated (Rounding) leave model?
Hybrid – Prorated (Rounding) leave model calculates the leaves based on the number of months of service. Under this leave model, leaves are available to an employee on a prorated basis. For example: An employee has joined the company on 01 January ...
What is the Hybrid – Prorated leave model?
Hybrid - Prorated leave model calculates the leaves based on the number of months of service. Under this leave model, leaves are available to an employee on a prorated basis. For example: An employee has joined the company on 01 January and he/she ...
What is the Hybrid – Normal leave model?
Hybrid is an advanced version of the Year Of Service leave model. Under this leave model, all the leaves are available to an employee at any given time of the year. Where in Year Of Service leave model calculates the leave based on the Leaves ...
What is the Fixed Yearly - Prorated (Ceiling) leave model?
Fixed Yearly – Prorated (Ceiling) leave model calculates the leaves based on the number of months of service. Under this leave model, leaves are available to an employee on a prorated basis. For example: An employee has joined the company on ...
What is the Fixed Yearly - Prorated (Floor) leave model?
Fixed Yearly – Prorated (Floor) leave model calculates the leaves based on the number of months of service. Under this leave model, leaves are available to an employee on a prorated basis. For example: An employee has joined the company on 01 January ...
What is the Fixed Yearly - Prorated leave model?
Fixed Yearly - Prorated Leave model calculates the leaves based on the number of months of service. Under this leave model, leaves are available to an employee on a prorated basis. For example: An employee has joined the company on 01 January and ...
What is the Fixed Yearly - Normal leave model?
Fixed Yearly - Normal Leave Model calculates the "Leave Period" wherein it considers the " Calendar year January to December" For example: Mr. Tan Joins on 1 June 2010. Under this leave model, the system considers the leave period from 1 June 2010 to ...
How to set up a leave module?
The user needs to have Super Admin rights to set up the leaves module as it involves setting up and modifying parameters from Admin, Leave as well as Employee module. Follow the given steps to set up the leave module: Step 01: For this go to the ...
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