What should be the dimension of payslip logo?
In people central the logo of the payslip can be added from the front end (customize payslip 1, customize payslip 2, and MOM Itemised payslip header) The required dimension for the payslip logo should be 100 (horizontally) x 200 (vertically) pixels ...
How to forfeit Last Year Leave (LYL) and what is the expiry date for Last Year Leave (LYL)?
Users can carry forward the last year's annual leaves into the next year. And can set the forfeit/expiry date for these forwarded leaves. The concept of Forfeit leave means, the amount of last year's leave that is not taken by an employee within the ...
How to allow permissions for ANBPYAYROLL folder?
Follow the given steps, to allow permissions for the ANBPAYROLL folder Step 01: Look for the folder ANBPAYROLL. ANBPAYROLL folder is generally created in the following path in your server: C:\ANBPAYROLL\ or D:\ANBPAYROLL\ or E:\ANBPAYROLL\ Step 02: ...
How to view employee salary?
To check the basic salary via the super admin account, go to Employee > edit > Progression info. The Super Admin user can see employee's salary information In case needs to check the calculated/processed salary for a particular month for an ...
How to make claims as attract gross pay?
The gross monthly income for employees refers to the total wages or salaries received in a month before deducting personal income tax and employee Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions. This includes Basic wages. Overtime pay. For the claims ...
How to sign in into my account?
To sign in to the application as an employee, credentials can be sent through the mail to employees by the Superadmin or the user who has admin rights. Enter the username and password and select your company name. Product Version: SMEPayrollTM ...
How to change the in-out time for Timesheet?
There are three different scenarios to edit the timesheet: Case 1. The Timesheet is saved. Case 2. The Timesheet is submitted with the Approval required Case 3. The Timesheet is submitted without the Approval required Case 1. The timesheet is saved. ...
What is the Access Token in Mobile app?
Access Token is a security mechanism used to authenticate or verify a user. This token will be provided by our team to the clients who are using a mobile app for Peoplecentral. Open the mobile app, it opens the login page. Enter the username, ...
How to do 2 factor authentication?
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an identity and access management security method that requires two forms of identification to access resources and data. 2FA gives businesses the ability to monitor and help safeguard their most vulnerable ...
How to create a new Company?
To create a new company, follow the below-given steps: Step 01: Log in to the Demo company, default username: dptadmin and default password: 1 Step 02: Go to Admin > Manage Company > Add New Company button is available, click this button to add a new ...
when leave not reflected in the employee's leave request page?
If leaves are not showing under Apply leave page for the respective employee, then follow the below steps Employee >> Leave info >> Current Year (e.g. 2022) and check whether CYL (Current year Leave) is added for the leave types or not. Then, enter ...
How to update Leave for New Year?
The system should transfer leave to next year at the end of the year or new beginning of the year. follow these below-given steps to allow leave for a new year. **Note: Always generate the leave report for last year before transferring leave to next ...
How to set up SMTP in the people central?
The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is an Internet standard communication protocol for electronic mail transmission. Mail servers and other message transfer agents use SMTP to send and receive mail messages. Follow these steps for Email setup: ...
Where can I get My payslip?
Payroll > Print / My Payslip > My Payslip option is given for employees to check and print payslips for them. For this follow the below-given steps: Step 01: Employee should log in to the application from his/her credentials. Step 02: Then, Go to ...
How to generate a claim report?
**follow the below steps to generate Claim Report Step 01: Go to Reports and click Custom Reports Step 02: Then, go to tab Claims tab Step 03: Select the following fields to generate a report, "Start date" and "End Date", Include inactive employees ...
How to add an announcement?
An announcement is a public statement that's usually formal and has a specific purpose. There are many kinds of announcements, but they're all public and meant to inform all the employees in the company. An announcement can be a party/event or a ...
How to find who is the leave approver and claim approver?
To check the assigned approver for Leave and Claim, follow the given steps: Step 01: Employee> Employees Step 02: Edit Employee and go to the Job info tab Step 03: Go to (C) ALERT SUPERVISOR, under this, you can see the direct supervisors for Leave ...
How to generate attendance timesheet report?
To generate a timesheet report, follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to Reports and click Custom Report Step 02: Then click on the "Timesheet" tab Step 03: To generate a report "Project Wise" or "Employee Wise", select the "dates", select "Include ...
How to log out People central?
Follow the below steps to log out from the people central application. Step 01: Click the image icon available in the right top corner. Step 02: Then, this tab opens. Click the Logout button to exit Note: If you are still not able to log out, refresh ...
How to cancel approved/rejected/open leave?
Follow the below-given steps to cancel or delete approved leave. Step 01: Go to the Leave module, then click Status Step 02: Select the Employee, Year and click the Go button Step 03: All records for the selected employee appear, check the status- ...
How to export reports?
To export reports to PDF/Excel/CSV or to Print. First, we have to generate the report. Follow the below-given steps: Step 01: Go to the Reports module. Click "Report" Step 02: Click on the particular tab for a particular report. Step 03: To see all ...
Public holidays for the current year are automatically included in the system. To manage holidays follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to “Leave” Module and select the "Set Holidays". Step 02: To add a new holiday, click the “Add New Holiday” button ...
How to add Employee to Roster under time sheet
If the user wishes to alter only 1 shift for a specific employee, follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Scheduler” module and select the “Set Roster” option from the dropdown list. Step 02: From here change the “View by” option to “Employee” as ...
How to assign employees to a project under the Time sheet Project Assignment
In Project Assignment, the User can assign / unassigned the project to an employee. To assign Project to employees follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Timesheet” module and select the “Assignment” from the drop-down list. Step 02: Select the ...
How to add a new sub-project under time sheet management
Under Timesheet Settings in Manage Sub Project, the user can add a new Sub Project, view, or edit the existing Sub Project. Step 01: Go to the “Timesheet” module and select the “Project” from the drop-down list. Step 02: From here go to the “Manage ...
How to assign employees to the Shift Pattern
To assign employees to the Shift Pattern, follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Shift Setup” module and select the “Shift Pattern Assignment” from the Drop down list. Step 02: Select the shift “Pattern”, “Filter”(to assign in a month or week), ...
How to Create a Pattern under time sheet management
To create a new Pattern under the time sheet module, follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Shift Setup” module and select the “Shift Pattern” from the drop-down list. Step 02: From here click the “ADD PATTERN” button to create a Pattern Name. ...
How to set the Different Overtime Rates in Single Day under timsheet management
To set the different Overtime Rates in a single day, follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Shift Setup” module from the left grid of the dashboard and select the “Shift Setup” from the drop-down list. Step 02: From here click the edit icon ...
How to create a new shift under time sheet management and Roster settings
To create a new Shift under the timesheet module follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Shift Setup” module from the left grid of the dashboard and select the “Shift Setup” from the drop-down list. Step 02: After the “Work Group” creation, click ...
How to create a new Work Group under time sheet management
To create a new Work Group under the time sheet module follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Shift Setup” module from the left grid of the dashboard and select the “Shift Setup” from the drop-down list. Step 02: Firstly, we need to create a ...
How to add a new project under time sheet management
Under Timesheet Settings in Manage Project, the user can add a new Project, view, or edit the existing project. Follow the given steps to add or edit the project: Step 01: Go to the “Timesheet” module and select the “Project” from the drop-down ...
How to Manage Multi Currency
To manage the Multi-Currency option in the system, follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Admin” module and select the “Manage Settings” from the drop-down list. Step 02: From here go to the “Payroll” tab and click the “Currency” option. Step ...
How to add Category in Costing By Category Management
To add the Category follow the given steps: Step 01: Click "Costing By Category" under the Payroll tab. Step 02: Go to "Category". To add a new category, click the "Add New Category" button at the bottom of the grid. ...
How to add a new costing region
To add a new Region follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to "Admin Management" and select the "Manage Settings" from the drop-down list. From here go to the “Payroll” tab and click "Region". Step 02: To add a new Region, ...
How to view the Employee Off List
The Employee Off List specifies the list of the employees who take off day on the particular date. To see the employee off day list, Follow the given steps: Step 01: Go to the “Scheduler” module and select the “List” from the drop-down list. Step ...
How to export employee information
Employee information can be exported from the “Employee” module. There are multiple options available for exporting employee information: Export to PDF: To export the employee information to PDF, click the "PDF" button. It ...
How to to add a new Sub-Project in Costing Management?
To add the Sub-Project follow the given steps: Step 01: Click "Costing By Project" under the Payroll tab. Step 02: Go to "Manage Sub-Project". Step 03: Click the "Add New Sub-Project" button to add a new ...
How to link Costing By Project and Costing By Team
To add the Sub-Project follow the given steps: Step 01: Click "Costing By Team" under the Payroll tab. Step 02: Go to "Link Project and Team". Step 03: Click the "Add New Sub-Project" button to add a new ...
How to add Category in Costing By Team Management
To add the Category follow the given steps: Step 01: Click "Costing By Team" under the Payroll tab. Step 02: Go to "Category". To add a new category, click the "Add New Category" button at the bottom of the grid. ...
How to add a new Costing Team
To add the new Costing Team in the system follow the given steps: Step 01: Click the "Costing By Team" under the Payroll tab Step 02: Go to "Manage Team". To add a new Team, click the "Add New Team" button at the bottom of the grid. ...
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