Why employee is not receiving the e–Pay slip ?

Why employee is not receiving the e–Pay slip ?

If the employee is not receiving the pay slip make sure about these things: 

01. Check the "Email Setup" of the company under "Admin" module in the "Manage Company".

There are two selections under mail Engine. 
1. Personal Email Engine :  "Personal Email Engine" referring to the SMTP settings for individual company.
2. Default Email Engine :  "Default Email Engine" referring to the SMTP settings for People central.

02. The email address of employee should be correct in the Contact information of "Personal Info" under the "Employee" module.


03. "Email ePayslip" must be enabled in "Pay-slip setup" of "Manage Company" under the "Admin" Module.

04.  "Email Pay slip" should be select "Yes" under the "Salary Info" of an employee under "Employee" module to send the email for individual employee from the system it self.

 Product Version: SMEPayrollTM Version 
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