Where can I get My payslip?

Where can I get My payslip?

Payroll > Print / My Payslip > My Payslip option is given for employees to check and print payslips for them.
For this follow the below-given steps:

Step 01:  Employee should log in to the application from his/her credentials.
Step 02: Then, Go to Payroll>Print/Print MyPayslip> Print My Payslip tab.


Step 03: Select Year, From Month, To Month, and click the Go button

Step 04: Click the Print icon to preview and print the payslip or Print Selected Payslip button to print it.
Export to Excel, word, and PDF to see the details in different view

Here is the Preview of the payslip:
*Company logo does not show in Preview Paylip, it will show if you export it pdf

Note: To Print/see My payslip, the rights should be given to the Employee. Only if rights are given to a particular user group from Admin > Manage Security: e.g Employee group> Rights then only employees can see/get Payslip.

                                                                                                                                                                               Product Version: SMEPayrollTM Version 11
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