How to generate a claim report?

How to generate a claim report?

**follow the below steps to generate Claim Report

Step 01:  Go to Reports and click Custom Reports 


Step 02: Then, go to tab Claims tab 

Step 03: Select the following fields to generate a report,  "Start date" and "End Date", Include inactive employees if required, and "Department"

Step 04: Tick the checkbox to select Employee and Claim types.
* Summary and Detail (It is the claim report after submitting the payroll) and Summary Un-Processed and Details Un-Processed (Before  Submitting Payroll). 
* Status: Approved, Pending, Rejected, and All Eg: To generate a report to check only Approved claims then select Approved status.

Step 05: Once create the report there is a option to export it as  excel and PDF

                                                                                                                                                                                   Product Version: SMEPayrollTM Version 11

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