To create a new company, follow the below-given steps:
Step 01: Log in to the Demo company, default username: dptadmin and default password: 1
Step 02: Go to Admin > Manage Company > Add New Company button is available, click this button to add a new company
Step 03: Fill in the mandatory fields of the Address tab and Save it.
Step 04: After adding a company, it shows under view companies. To edit the company click on the 
Step 05: By default, SuperAdmin user is created under this new company with Superadmin rights. So, set the password for SuperAdmin to log in under the newly added company.
(For this, go to edit company and go to
User Setup tab and click the
edit icon corresponding to Superadmin name. And by default username for this SuperAdmin is CNXAdmin. Set new password and update)
Step 06: Log out from the demo company, go to the login page, and log in with new company credentials to update the new records.
Product Version: SMEPayrollTM Version 11