How to change the password of the employees and the super admin?

How to change the password of the employees and the super admin?

There are many  ways to change/reset the user password.

Employees typically have their own user accounts. They should log in using their own credentials. but employees forget their password need to follow these steps to reset the password.

01. Login to the Demo Company, go to "Manage Company" under the "Admin" module, Then click on "Manage Company" and edit the particular company. go to "User Setup" tab to edit the specific employee and to set the new password.

To save the changes, click the "Update" button.

02. The second way is, log in as Super-admin, change employee password from the super admin login. Basically super admin rights are given only for HR of the company so employees should contact authorized person to change their password.

03. The third way is to log in as the employee itself and change the password by the employee itself.
        Employee can change/reset the password in "My Profile"

1. Under the demo Company, users can change/reset the passwords for multiple companies.

Product Version: SMEPayrollTM Version 11

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