How to change the in-out time for Timesheet?

How to change the in-out time for Timesheet?

There are three different scenarios to edit the timesheet:

Case 1.  The Timesheet is saved.
Case 2.  The Timesheet is submitted with the Approval required
Case 3.  The Timesheet is submitted without the Approval required

Case 1. The timesheet is saved.
If the user wants to change the In Time and Out Time for some employees.
Check the checkbox to select the employee >> Enter In Time and Out Time then click on IN/OUT TIME button. the system replaces old timings with new time in and time out
or selects the employees, clicks the CLEAR button to clean all records, and FETCH again to key in new in and out time.

Case 2. The Timesheet is submitted with the Approval required

If the IN and OUT time is submitted but pending for approval. Then, the timesheet will show greyed as per the picture given
Reject the timesheet from Timesheet >Approval and go to Timesheet again to Key In/Out time.

If IN and OUT time is submitted and approved, then delete the Timesheet from Timesheet>Status for selected employee and key IN/OUt time from Timesheet.

Case 3. The Timesheet is submitted without the Approval required
If the Timesheet is Submitted and is approved automatically. Then,  delete the Timesheet from Timesheet>Status for the selected employee and key IN/OUT time again
Product Version: SMEPayrollTM Version 11
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