Step 01: Go to the “Claim” module and select the “Approval” from the drop-down list.
Step 02: The system will prompt to the given page with the list of applied claims. Select the checkbox corresponding to the employee name. Enter the remarks if any. Finally, click the “APPROVE CLAIM” button to approve or “REJECT CLAIM” button to reject the claim. Then the “Successful Alert” appears.
Supervisors (HR / Super Admin) can view pending Claims for approval. Once a Claim is applied an email alert is received by the supervisor. The supervisor can approve or reject the applied claims and input any remarks if required. Once the claim has been approved or rejected an email is sent to the respective user letting them know that the claim status has been updated.If the claim is approved it will automatically be added to employee’s additions (Payroll additions) and would appear in that particular month’s payroll.
If the claim is rejected no action will be taken at the payroll level, the user can apply again the claim if any changes are required by the supervisor (Same claim transaction cannot be used to reapply a new claim transaction has to be created.