How to assign Leave Supervisor to Multiple Employees

How to assign Leave Supervisor to Multiple Employees

Leave supervisor can be assigned to a single employee as well as multiple employees. For this follow the given steps:

Step 01: Go to the “Admin” module and select the “Manage Security” from the drop-down list.

Step 02: The system will prompt to the given page. Then Click the “Add New User Group” button at the bottom of the page.

Step 03: Then enter the “Group Name” and click the “INSERT” button.

Once inserted “Successful Alert” appears.

Step 04: Then go to the "Employee" module and select the "Employees" from the drop-down list.


Step 05: Click the “Employee Name” to whom the user wants to assign as a “Leave Supervisor” and go to “Personal Info”.

Step 06: Then look for the “Login Rights” under ”RIGHTS INFORMATION”. Here in “Login Rights” select the “Leave Supervisor” from the drop-down list and click the “Save” button to update the changes.

Step 07: Go to the “Leave” module, then select the “Assignment”.

Step 08: The system will prompt to the given page. Then select the “Leave Supervisor” name from the drop-down list and select the employee names from the left grid and click the "Assign" button to assign the leave Supervisor for the selected employees.

Once assigned “Successful Alert” appears.

Product Version: SMEPayrollTM Version 11
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