If the user wishes to alter only 1 shift for a specific employee, follow the given steps:
Step 01: Go to the “Scheduler” module and select the “Set Roster” option from the dropdown list.
Step 02: From here change the “View by” option to “Employee” as marked below:
Step 03: Once the “Employee“ option is selected, select the employee name from the drop down list.
Step 04: Then click the “SHIFT LIST” button from the left grid. Finally, drag and drop the shift from the “SHIFT LIST”.
Step 05: Once the roster is created “Successful Alert” appears.
Step 06: The user can resize the roster by dragging the added roster if they follow the same roster for the next day. Then click the “OK” button to save the changes.
Step 06: After the roster is resized “Successful Alert” appears.