To generate a bank GIRO file and submit to the company's bank, follow the given steps:
Step 01: Go to the “Reports” module and select the "Bank/Online Mid-Month Giro" from the drop-down list.
Step 02: In this “Bank Giro” tab, select "Year", "Month", "Bank", "Bank Acc No", "Value Date" and "Batch No". Make sure not to choose Weekends and Holidays as Value Date. Then click the “GO” button.
Step 03: The employee's record is populated here. Select the checkboxes corresponding to the employee name for file generation and click the "GENERATE GIRO FILE " button.
Step 04: The system will show a preview of the giro file with two tabs. One file is for the bank uploading purpose and another file is for the user reference.
Step 05: Then click the right button of the mouse and select the “Save As” option from the dropdown list.
Step 06: Click the “Save” button to save the file into the designated folder.
Step 07: Once the file is saved go to the bank website and upload this file.
* For any Loan, Advance, etc given to Employee in mid of the month via giro and to be deducted from payroll salary.
* Select All Employee from checkbox and generate a giro file.