How to add Business units

How to add Business units

To add a new Business Unit in the system follow the given steps:
Step 01: Go to the "Admin” module and select the "Manage Settings" from the drop-down list.

Step 02:  From here go to the “Employee” tab and select the “Business Unit” option.

Step 03: To add a new Business unit, click the "Add New Business unit" link at the bottom of the grid.

Step 04: Enter the Business unit detail and click the "INSERT" button to add the Business unit or click the "CANCEL" button to cancel the process.

Once inserted “Successful Alert” appears.

Step 05: To edit the existing Business unit information, click the  edit icon corresponding to the Business unit the user needs to edit. Do the necessary changes and click the "Update" button to save the Business unit information.

Step 06: To delete the Business unit information, click the  delete icon to remove the Business Unit.

 Product Version: SMEPayrollTM Version 11

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