How to compute CPF for the First Half in Bi-Monthly Salary set up?

How to compute CPF for the First Half in Bi-Monthly Salary set up?

While following Bi-Monthly Salary set up users can select the option to compute CPF for the first half. For this follow the given steps:

Step 01: To do this set up go to the "Employees" under the “Employee” module.


Step 02: Click the particular “Employee Name” and go to "Salary Info". 

Step 03: Here in the Salary Information, the “Payroll Type” should be “Bi-Monthly”.

Step 04: Also in the Salary Information, look for the “CPF INFORMATION”.

Step 05: From here users can turn on the button named “Compute CPF First Half” and Click the “SAVE” button on top of the page to update the changes as shown in the picture.

Note: Employees must be Bi-Monthly employees.

Product Version: SMEPayrollTM Version 11