How to manage Login Rights

How to manage Login Rights

The following are the steps to manage security rights for different login groups.

Step 01: Go to the "Admin" module and select the "Manage Security" from the drop-down list.

The system will prompt to the given page. Here it is showing 3 System created groups and users are allowed to create their group.
"Super Admin" group has access to all functions and cannot make amendments. "Employee" and "HR" groups are for the user's decision.

Step 02:  To assign the rights to a particular group e.g "Employee" group, click the “Rights” button corresponding to the “Employee” group.

Step 03:  Reminder Page shows all the alerts and reminders which will be seen on the main page. Select the checkboxes to assign rights to this Employee group.


Step 04: By selecting a different tab, the user can select the rights and provide it to the user.

Step 05: After assigning the rights according to the company's structure, click the "SAVE" button at the top rightmost corner of the page.

Product Version: SMEPayrollTM Version 11

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